January 2 - January 6 Dr. Oz Episodes

Tuesday January 3, 2012 Dr Oz Episode
Ok, it's Resolution time again. Is weight loss one of your goals yet again? How many times have we all had such good intentions to start the year, but only to see them fall by the wayside? Well, how would you like to lose INCHES around your waistline in just a few weeks? Dr. Oz talks about a new weight loss supplement that will help you do just that! Nutrition professor Martha Belury from Ohio State talks about this amazing new weight loss supplement. Tabatha Coffee talks to Dr. Oz about how to deal with gray, thin, and frizzy hair. Skin care and bladder problems are the other subjects talked about on the January 3rd, 2012 show. Read about (or purchase) the Dr. Oz Saflim Supplement, Safflower Oil Diet Episode. Tabitha Coffey's tips for brittle and thinning hair.Wednesday January 4, 2012 - Don't Trust Your Doctor!
- Dr. Oz talks to an alternative doctor (Dr. Joseph Mercola) about tips and advice to make 2012 your most healthiest year yet! January 4 2012, Dr. Oz Episode.Thursday January 5 Stomach Cancer Episode
- Neal Barnard and Will Clower are nutrition experts and they talk about your risks for stomach cancer, what you can do to help prevent or lower your risks for this deadly disease. Stomach Cancer Risks, Symptoms, and Warning SignsFriday January 6 Reboot Your Metabolism!
- Chris Powel the famous trainer from Extreme Makeover : Weight Loss Edition talks to Dr. Oz about weight loss and metabolism. Dermatologis Anne Chapas appears on the show to talk about abdominal belly fat. There is also a dermatologist and facial plastic surgeon appearing to talk about how to make your skin look years younger! Chris Powell's Metabolism Boosting PlanRelated :
Dr. Oz January 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 2012 Episodes
I watched the January 3, 2012 show but got distrcted and missed the recommended skin care products mentioned today. Please help.